Tantric massage is much more than just a massage or therapeutic technique. Each one of us is special, and each one of us will have a completely different personal experience. We hear all around us that tantric massage is a form of sex. But it isn`t. People should realize that sex and tantric massage are two completely different things. Even though tantric massage has elements of eroticism in it, it is definitely not sex. It is a massage in no way does sexual intercourse occur between the customer and the masseuse.
And now you may be asking so what are these tantric massages?
So, let`s start from the beginning. It is an ancient Indian spiritual teaching that invites people to journey towards themselves, their bodies, their senses and the life around them. It teaches us to fully perceive and feel ourselves, our spirituality, sexuality and the power of the present moment, it teaches us to live in the here and now. Tantrikas take nudity as human nature, but in tantric centres they give customers the choice of whether they want to be completely naked and which treatments they are interested in. The masseur/masseuse must have absolute respect for the client, as this is one of the main rules of Tantra. Tantra massages come in many forms and types.
They are specifically designed for either men, women or even for couples at the same time. Intimate massages like Lingam and Joni, Big Draw, partner massages, even counselling on how to become a better lover or mistress. A very interesting and healing way is vaginal mapping. It also serves as a help to women who have a certain mental block for various reasons from their lives. It relaxes the woman and can relieve her stress or fear. If you are interested in this kind of massage, feel free to contact us on our website or by phone number. We are always at your disposal. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them, Your TantraDiamond.